'An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory' -- Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895)

Honour Lies in Doing One's Duty Well

Teaching Videos

(A)Basic HDL Coding Techniques Part-I Xilinx

Duration: 0:29:11

This Basic HDL Coding Techniques, part 1 describes primary coding techniques for FPGAs. It included basic design guidelines that successful FPGA designers follow and explains proper coding techniques for combinatorial and registered logic. Microsoft Windows Media Player 8 or later is required to view this module.

Basic HDL Coding Techniques Part-II Xilinx

Duration: 0:17:10

This Basic HDL Coding Techniques, part 2 describes primary coding techniques for FPGAs. It included basic design guidelines that successful FPGA designers follow, including Finite State Machine design and building pipeline stages. Microsoft Windows Media Player 8 or later is required to view this module.

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